
Pope St. Pius X on Modernism

Dr. Cynthia Nicolosi Season 4 Episode 3

We continue our survey of key papal teachings of the 20th century by considering Pope St. Pius 10th brilliant encyclical On the Doctrine of the Modernists

Our guest presenter for the evening is Dr. Cynthia Nicolosi.  Dr. Nicolosi has a Masters in philosophy from Boston College and her doctorate in Philosophy from Santa Croce University in Rome.  Her doctoral studies focused on the work of St. Thomas Aquinas.  Dr. Nicolosi also has a Masters in theology from Santa Croce, and a Masters in Cognitive Psychology from Southern New Hampshire University.  She currently teachers Honors courses and music history at Regent University.

This program of mystagogy is hosted by the Adult Faith Programs at Saint Stephen Martyr Church in Chesapeake, Virginia.

The music in the introduction and close of this podcast is provided by George Sarah.

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Intro: Hello and welcome to the Mystagogy podcast, offered as part of the Adult Faith Programs at Saint Stephen Martyr Church in Chesapeake, VA.

 In a tradition dating back to the earliest centuries of Christianity, newly initiated believers were prepared for ongoing lives of faith through mystagogy, a period of formation designed to deepen their spiritual, liturgical and community life. Mystagogy is a Greek word which means "leading through the mysteries."  

This program has been developed by Barbara Nicolosi Harrington, a university professor of screenwriting, cinema, Great Books and theology. 

Today's episode is a presentation on Pope Pius X and his encyclical letter on The Doctrines of the Modernists.

Our guest presenter is Dr. Cynthia Nicolosi.  Dr. Nicolosi has a PhD in philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy. She studied music composition for two years at the Claremont Graduate School in California and completed the certificate program in Gregorian Chant at Catholic University in Washington, DC.  She was the director of the college choir at Magdalen College in Warner, NH for seven years. Dr. Nicolosi is now teaching music history and honors courses at Regent University.

Outro: Thanks for joining us for this episode of the Mystagogy podcast. 

The music for the podcast is provided by George Sarah. Learn more about his music over at or by following the link in the show notes. 

Until next time, be well and God bless.

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