
Finding Your Family Mission: St. John Paul II on the Domestic Church

Barbara Nicolosi Harrington Season 4 Episode 5

In this session, we consider the extraordinary role that the Christian family plays in the sanctification of the world. 

Written in 1981, The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World was the second Apostolic Exhortation written by this great pope, and it continues to have much to say about the nature and vocation of those united in family life. 

The music in the introduction and close of this podcast is provided by George Sarah.

This program of mystagogy is hosted by the Adult Faith Programs at Saint Stephen Martyr Church in Chesapeake, Virginia.

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Intro: Hello and welcome to the Mystagogy podcast, offered as part of the Adult Faith Programs at Saint Stephen Martyr Church in Chesapeake, VA. 

In a tradition dating back to the earliest centuries of Christianity, newly initiated believers were prepared for ongoing lives of faith through mystagogy, a period of formation designed to deepen their spiritual, liturgical and community life. Mystagogy is a Greek word which means "leading through the mysteries." 

This program has been developed by Barbara Nicolosi Harrington, a university professor of screenwriting, cinema, Great Books and theology. 

In this session, Barbara takes a look at Familiaris Consortio, Pope St. John Paul II's apostolic letter on the role of the family in the world of today.


Outro: Thanks for joining us for this episode of the Mystagogy podcast. 

The music for the podcast is provided by George Sarah. Learn more about his music over at or by following the link in the show notes. 

Until next time, be well and God bless.

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